Annual Reports

We ensure transparency and accountability to the community and our donors. The Hospital accounts are externally audited every year and the auditors’ reports published.

What we need most is support that will help us to reduce our donor dependency rate as we continue the journey to a sustainable status.

Visitors who want to give something back to the community after their visit have funded most of the buildings in the Hospital.

The Hospital welcomes visitors and works with tour camps, tour operators & drivers, the Ugandan Wildlife Authority and community walk guides to encourage visitors who are interested to learn about what we do.All our services are greatly subsidized to enable the poorest of the poor access health care irrespective of their financial or geographic means.

We are a private not- for- profit community hospital. Most of the running costs of the Hospital come from donations, grants, and gifts from individuals, organisations and Foundations. Currently, 42% of BCH US$ 1.2 million annual operating budget is raised from the community local collections (user fees and insurance), and subsidy from the Ugandan government. This has been because of the hospital’s deliberate efforts to reduce donor dependence from 95% seven-years ago to 58% today. Our goal is to increase local collections to at least 60%.

Summary of current annual report

I extend a warm welcome to our annual report for the financial year 2022/2023.

I would like to express our heartfelt gratitude on behalf of Bwindi Community Hospital for the unwavering support, of all forms, that has enabled us to consistently provide high-quality healthcare and train healthcare professionals in one of Africa’s most underserved regions.

This report encapsulates a year defined by not only the profound challenges of the post-COVID-19 pandemic but also notable achievements that showcase our commitment to quality care and community well-being.

This year marks our 20th anniversary in delivering exceptional healthcare services, a milestone made possible by the generosity of individuals like you who are dedicated to making the world a better place for all.

As we commemorate 20 years, it is crucial to highlight the following achievements:

We have established one of Uganda’s largest and most active community mental health programs, benefiting over 5,000 individuals and households.

Established a Neonatal Care Center of Excellence, leading to a 76% reduction in under-five mortality over the past decade, with the current rate at 22.7/1000 live births. This achievement was enabled by our mobile Community Health Information System (mCHIS), facilitating real-time community engagement.

A remarkable 97% of mothers in our catchment area now give birth in healthy facilities, surpassing the national rate of 70%.

We have successfully reduced Gender-Based Violence among the Batwa community from 38% in 2018 to 19% in 2022.

Pit latrine coverage among the Batwa has increased from 60% in 2018 to an impressive 83% in 2023.

Our research program is thriving, with two ongoing studies: The Emerging Infectious Disease Intelligence research project in partnership with the University of California Davis and Antimicrobial Resistance in under-5 children with Colgate University. These projects align with our long-term goal of becoming a regional center of excellence in research.

In terms of health education, Uganda Nursing School Bwindi will host its 3rd graduation and celebrate a decade of training top-notch healthcare professionals. Uganda College of Health Sciences; School of Clinical Medicine and Community Health will also hold its inaugural graduation ceremony. Over 250 students will be receiving certificates and diplomas in various fields.

This Annual Report reflects our past achievements and paves the way for a future where healthcare excellence knows no bounds. Together, we will continue to shape the story of Bwindi Community Hospital—a story of care, innovation, and unwavering dedication to our community.

I extend our heartfelt thanks to the Bwindi Community Hospital Team and our esteemed partners for their trust and collaboration on this remarkable journey. Your commitment fuels our vision of a healthy and productive community, free from preventable diseases, and providing accessible, excellent healthcare services for all. We eagerly anticipate the chapters yet to be written.

I would be honored if you could continue reading to explore our impact on the community in greater detail.

2022-2023 Annual Report

2021-2022 Annual Report

2020-2021 Annual Report

2019-2020 Annual Report

2018-2019 Annual Report

2017-18 Annual Report

2015-16 Annual Report

2013-14 Annual Report

2012-13 Annual Report

2011-12 Annual Report

2010-11 Annual Report

2009-10 Annual Report

2008-09 Annual Report

Household Survey

Each year we conduct a Household Survey, measuring things like the percentage of people we serve sleeping under mosquito nets and whether or not children in our catchment area have been immunised. We collect this information in order to guide our future work, so that we know which areas we are succeeding in, and which areas we need to work harder.

A comparative study of HIV risk factors and health care utilization between the batwa pygmies and surrounding Communities of Kanungu District, South west Uganda.

A comparative study of HIV risk factors and health care utilization between the batwa pygmies and surrounding Communities of Kanungu District, South west Uganda.

Strategic Plan

Here are some of the strategic plans we have had.

2014-2019 Strategic Plan

2011-2014 Strategic Plan

2008-2011 Strategic Plan