

Some of our best innovations and practices include:

Use of mobile Community Health Information System (mCHIS), a platform to promote maternal and child health at the community level.

Pioneered use of mothers waiting homes in the country to enable mothers stay close to the hospital before delivery

Employed whole institution approach to family planning to reduce missed opportunity among clients

Introduced health insurance (eQuality health Bwindi) to improve equity & healthcare funding

Equipping midwifery students with skills in sonography so they can easily identify complications of pregnancy

Ensuring every death is audited for quality improvement

Involving the community in development of the hospital’s strategic plans/evaluation

Community based mental health rehabilitation services including alcohol abuse

We annually publish our externally audited accounts

Nutrition demonstration gardens

Developed an electronic messaging platform to implement community health interventions and coordination of referrals

Use of modern technology to enhance teaching and learning at Uganda Nursing School Bwindi and Uganda College of Health Sciences Bwindi.